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Discover the Latest Innovations in Strain Measurement Solutions Through Our News and Press Releases | Micro-Measurements

Stay informed with the latest innovations in strain measurement solutions through our News and Press Releases. In the fast-evolving fields including aerospace, automotive, biomedical, and infrastructure health monitoring, precision and reliability is crucial. Micro-Measurements provides cutting-edge strain measurement solutions designed to address the industry's pressing challenges, such as monitoring stress, strain, and temperature fluctuations in real-time. Our state-of-the-art sensors and data acquisition systems not only improve measurement accuracy but also enhance data integrity, allowing engineers and researchers to make informed decisions. With decades of experience and a commitment to innovation, Micro-Measurements stands out for its unmatched quality, exceptional customer support, and tailored solutions that meet the unique demands of your projects.

Advanced Sensors Technology Strain gage sensors ( CEA, C4A, C5K etc.)  can be satisfactorily bonded to almost any solid material if the material…
Case Study:  Esta aplicación demuestra como el equipo Arus medió la fuerza en los brazos de suspensión. El equipo usará los datos  para…
The 5800 is a data acquisition and recording system with high performance, dual-mode signal conditioning. It is typically used for recording...
The title of this note may appear tautologous to the casual reader, but the reference here is to more than the obvious difference between mechanical…
ASCO, a company with expertise in oil and gas production, had a requirement at their port facilities to measure and monitor critical loads, and to...
If you want to add modern style CEA to your stress analysis system, then you will need to learn about using M-Bond 200 with Advanced Sensors...
In this Micro-Measurements 30-mintute webinar, Darryl and Paul discuss about: What is a strain gage sensor? Where are strain gage sensors used? Why…
There is a strong element of craftsmanship involved in making consistently successful strain gage installations. As for any other field, this craft…
If you want to do the job right, you need the right DAQ software. We have all heard that before. But how do you pick the right DAQ software? …
In this iLearn video, Anton and Alan compare a traditional CEA strain gage sensor and an Advanced Sensors CEA strain gage and show how to achieve a…
The importance of attention to detail, and precise adherence to instructions, cannot be overstressed in surface preparation for strain gage bonding…
The PI 7200 and PI 7300 DAS bring new capabilities and levels of performance to transducer data acquisition in rugged applications such as…
For most materials, strain measurement results are usually not significantly changed by the surface preparation procedures that are recommended by...
In this podcast, Darryl and Jim introduce the new C4A Series and C5K Series Advanced Sensors Technology strain gage sensors that are coming with pre…
In this iNote Vijay from Dynatec India explains about the all in one stressed beam that is used to demonstrate the features of StrainSmart DAQ...
Introduction to ASTM Standards (Tension, Fatigue, Shear, Compression) , Composites and Strain Gages? ASTM Standards and foil strain gage sensors...
The Micro-Measurements Cable-Extension Displacement Sensor provides a voltage signal linearly proportional to the extension of a retractable...
“A leadwire is a source of potential trouble (or stress) connecting two other sources of potential trouble.” This joke among stress analysts is worth…
When Advanced Sensors Technology CEA strain gage is installed on a metal test part, one of the most basic tests for the quality of the installation…
As an aviator, I’ve always found interest in aerospace applications of strain gages.  Strain gage use in testing aircraft goes way back to the…
Strain gage sensors have been used for many years for determining the torsion applied to cylindrical shafts.  When the shaft is loaded in…
Indeed, of the steps necessary for a successful strain gage installation, soldering usually requires the most practice to become proficiently skilled…
PCB’s remain among the most essential components of today’s Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Autonomous...
In this podcast, Darryl and Jim introduce the new C4A Series and C5K Series Advanced Sensors Technology strain gage sensors that are coming with pre…
In this Podcast Darryl and Tom discuss how temperature can impact your strain gage sensor measurements and what are the available solutions such as…